Strava user has not granted SUFFERvision
permission to access and display detailed activity data.
If you are , click below to connect
your Strava account and grant this permission.
Please click below to visit the Strava connect page where you can grant SUFFERvision
permission to access and display your public activity data.
To give users more control over their privacy Strava no longer permits applications to display
detailed activity data without an explicit opt-in from the relevant user.
Your options:
The Strava connect page describes in general terms the access you grant when you connect your account.
The implications of these rights for SUFFERvision are:
If you connect your account:
SUFFERvision CAN access data from your public activities and use this data (including
GPS, power, heart rate, cadence, etc.) for its primary display.
SUFFERvision CANNOT access data from private activities, public activities
within your privacy zones, or fields you have made private.
You can revoke your connection at any time from within Strava | Settings | My Apps.
If you do not connect your account:
SUFFERvision CANNOT use your detailed activity data for its primary display (even if activities are public within Strava).
SUFFERvision CAN display your location (and no other data) as a dot on the map if you have a public
activity from a race or group ride coinciding with the user providing primary data.
If you do not want SUFFERvision to access or display your data in any way: